Frequently Asked Questions

- Is there an age requirement to participate? Yes, depending on the type of adventure there is an age requirement to participate. The child must be between 5 and 18 years old.
- Are siblings allowed to participate in the adventure? As a faith based organization we strongly believe in the family unit and strive to include siblings; however, depending on game and opportunity some adventures may restrict participation.
- Is my child eligible if they have already participated with another hunting or fishing organization? Yes, absolutely they are still eligible.
- How is a child chosen to participate in an outdoor adventure? Once an application is submitted, it will be processed and reviewed by the Board of Directors. Depending on the urgency, type of outdoor adventure and season, you will be contacted to discuss.
- How long before I hear something about my child’s application? If you did not indicate it was urgent, someone will contact you within a week. If for some reason you have not heard from someone, please call us directly inquiring about the status of your child’s application
- How do you decide when a child will have an adventure? Our heart’s desire is to fulfill all requests as expeditiously as possible; however, we do prioritize children considered urgent. In addition, depending on logistics, type of adventure and season directly affects scheduling.
- Is the family responsible for travel expenses like airfare or rental car? No, Hunting For THE Cure takes care of all travel expenses to and from your destination.
- Are we responsible for baggage expenses? The easy answer is no; however, sometimes on the original flight to your destination you may have to cover baggage expenses only for the initial trip but will be reimbursed once you arrive at your destination.
- Are we responsible for any lodging expenses? Absolutely not and all lodging will be arranged prior to your arrival.
- Are we responsible for meals? Definitely not, many times our volunteers work hard behind the scenes preparing meals making meals a part of the adventure.
- Are we responsible for license of tag fees? You should be aware of the local laws of your destination but you are not responsible for any license or tag fees.
- Are we responsible for processing what we harvest? No, Hunting For THE Cure takes care of all processing fees to include shipping it back home to you. More often than not, our processors out of the kindness of their hearts process our wildgame for FREE. Now that’s a blessing that keeps blessing!
- What is an adventure? We call all our hunting and fishing trip adventures because that’s exactly what they are. It’s about so much more than just hunting and fishing.
- Are adventures provided in a private or group setting? We provide both private and group adventures
- What should we expect with our child’s adventure? First and foremost, “FUN” …. Yes we hunt and fish, but it is about so much more. We call it an adventure for a reason. Although we plan and coordinate events and hunts, we can be spontaneous. Structure and coordination is important but never at the expense of joy.
- How long does an adventure last? Private adventures usually last between 5 and 7 days depending on schedules and the family. Group adventures last for 3 or 4 days depending on the adventure.
- What do you mean the child is in control? A child cannot control being diagnosed with cancer or how many radiation and chemo treatments. They cannot control how many times they are stuck for labs or treatments but here, here we give them control over things they can control. For instance, if we get in a hunting blind at 6am and at 6:20am that child is ready to return from hunting, then we return. At the same time, if the child wants to sit all day hunting, then we will sit all day. We let them control the things they can control.
- Can we participate in more than one adventure? We offer a “One Time” private adventure with airfare but families are welcome and encouraged to return each year participating in the group adventures. We believe this is so important. Time has proven this offers encouragement, provides hope and is even therapeutic. Being around other non-judgemental families that are familiar with the stress and strain and may be dealing with the side effects in itself is comforting.
- Do you fresh or saltwater fish? Both, we provide both saltwater and freshwater fishing trips.
- Can we keep the fish we catch? Yes as long as what you catch is legal, size and quantity.
- Do I have to clean what we catch? Absolutely not, your guides will take care of the processing of what you catch.
- What do you do with the fish we catch? The fish are frozen and either shipped to you or are donated to Hunting For The Hungry, a program that provides meat to families with children fighting cancer.
- Do you provide taxidermy for trophy fish? Yes, trophy fish are taken to the taxidermist to be mounted for FREE as a part of the Hunting For THE Cure program.
- Who can hunt? We believe in the family unit. Siblings are indirectly affected too and sometimes these effects can manifest into resentment or even jealousy. Thus, not only the child diagnosed or in remission but their siblings may hunt as well depending on the game and season.
- What if my child has never hunted? No problem, we will be with your child every step of the way providing education on the firearm and the game he or she will be hunting. An opportunity to familiarize oneself with the firearm prior to the hunt will be provided and is essential.
- Can a parent join their child on the hunt? Absolutely and we strongly encourage it. However, you need to be aware with some game the more participants may reduce the chance of a successful hunt. We have experienced many successful hunts with four people. It can be done.
- Who is responsible for knowing the law? We are all responsible for knowing the law where and when we are hunting.
- Can you hunt out of season? In the State of Georgia, some state regulated game may be hunted out of season through a program known as “Taylor’s Law.” However, no sibling would be allowed to participate under “Taylor’s Law” only the child diagnosed.
- What if my child has special needs or physical limitations? We specialize in special needs and physical limitations. We have hog hunted with a child that was wheelchair bound and performed a fireman’s carry all the way into the hog where he was able to successfully stick the hog with a knife. We had other children that were too weak and required a shooting sled. Let us know the challenge and let’s work together Sharing a Smile!
- What if my child chooses not to harvest? We do not require a child to harvest an animal to participate. The adventure is about “Sharing a Smile” and the hunts are not a guaranteed harvest. Truthfully, for us, it is about so much more than harvesting an animal.
- Am I responsible for processing what my child harvests? No, guides will handle processing, caping and getting the animal to the taxidermist.
- Am I responsible for the taxidermist? No, taxidermy is provided FREE as a part of our program.
- What do you do with the meat harvested? The meat is frozen and either shipped to you or is donated to Hunting For The Hungry, a program that provides meat to families with children fighting cancer.
- Can we bring our own firearm to use? We understand the thrill and excitement of using your own firearm to hunt and you are welcome to bring it; however, we have plenty of firearms you can use.
- Are there any special procedures bringing our firearm? There are special traveling procedures when flying. You will need a locked hardshell case for each firearm to be stowed away in baggage. We suggest you contact the airline carrier directly for assistance as procedures change from time to time.
- Can we bring our own bow or crossbow? Although we do not keep compound bows available, because they are uniquely setup for each user, we do provide a crossbow. Again, we recommend you contact the airline carrier ensuring the current regulation requirements.
- Where will we store our firearms once we are at our destination? All outdoor adventures require a safety briefing and the storing of firearms will be discussed at that time. Each adventure is different as a child’s physical limitations may be different.
- What about bringing ammunition or a knife? Ammunition and knives will have to be stowed away like your weapon but again, I would contact the airline carrier for requirements.
- What clothing should we pack? There is no easy answer to this question but should be discussed when arranging your adventure. Please pay close attention to the weather as you get close to your travel date to pack accordingly. We are based out of Georgia but hunt all over the country. It is often said in Georgia, if you do not like the weather, just wait a day. This theory may hold true for many states.
- Should we pack camouflage? If you have camouflage pack it and if you do not it’s okay as well. We are blessed to have REALTREE as a sponsor and they love to “Share Smiles.”
- Why become a member? Great question. The membership area offers families the ability to obtain access to benefits that are not available through the regular website.
- Is there a fee associated with becoming a member? Absolutely not, the sole purpose is to benefit families helping them in a difficult time.
- How do we become a member? Just complete the online application which goes through a verification process.
- Is our information secured? Yes, personal information provided is secured.
- How will I know when the application is processed? You will be contacted either via telephone or email communicating the status of your application.
- How do I gain access to the Membership Area? Once approved, you will be provided the necessary login information and will need to change your password.
- Why do you need the information requested? The information is required for verification. This will provide us the ability to protect access ensuring the benefits being provided by our partners are secured and going to families with children fighting cancer or in remission.
- Can I cancel my membership? Absolutely, you may cancel your account at anytime.
- Why do you require a membership? Membership area was created to benefit families with children fighting cancer or in remission. The integrity of the system is essential to avoid abuse. By doing this we will ensure the benefits are available to help families.
- How long does the verification process take after applying? The process of reviewing applications begins within 24 hours and the verification process can take up to two weeks.
- How will I know when the application is processed? You will be contacted either via telephone or email communicating the status of your application.
- How do I gain access to the Membership Area? Once approved, you will be provided the necessary login information and will need to change your password.
- What programs or benefits are available through the membership? Families gain access to help in three area: Financial, Food and Support. The goal is to serve families in one of the most challenging times of their lives.
- How do we apply for a benefit? Each benefit will be available online with an electronic application.
- How are we approved to receive or participate in the various benefit programs? Once you go through the verification process and have gained access you are approved. It really is that simple.
How To Help
- Why become a Corporate Partner? We call it a “Sharing Smiles Partner.” You have an opportunity to directly impact families that are seeking answers and oftentimes asking “why” in a positive way. Your help provides opportunities to serve a greater capacity, making a difference not just with a child but the entire family. Digital and analog recognition from our website, social media to event publications and campaigns. The greatest benefit is knowing each dollar you give goes back to families making a difference creating memories that could be their last. Thank you for being a difference maker and becoming a “Sharing Smiles Partner.”
- How to become a Corporate Partner? Contact us directly, we love the opportunity to share with you how we are impacting lives through Sharing Smiles and Serving Others.
- Are Corporate Sponsors donations tax deductible? Hunting For THE Cure is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. We do not provide tax advice but are an approved 501(c)(3).
- What is an Adventure Sponsor? An “Adventure Sponsor” is the sponsorship of a hunting or fishing adventure for a child.
- What does an Adventure cost? The average adventure cost is approximately $4,500.
- How can I sponsor? Submit a request to sponsor an Adventure and once a family is chosen, we will notify you of the child and what adventure they intend to participate. This way if you like you may follow the adventure as we progress and post on social media.
- Can a company be an “Adventure Sponsor?” Absolutely, we seek to serve each and every family the Lord brings to us and appreciate all the support.
- Is my “Adventure Sponsorship” tax deductible? We are an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.
- Can I be a partial “Adventure Sponsor?” Most definitely, if more than one business would like to contribute to blessing a child, we are more than grateful for the blessing.
- What is a Local Chapter? A local chapter hosts hunts (private and group), participates in fundraisers serving families and their courageous warriors.
- How do I create a local chapter? First, we are thankful and blessed you are even reading this. We require individuals with a heart to serve because it is the heart of the matter. We do not desire to multiply seeking to just grow an organization but grow serving more families. If you are ready to impact and be impacted, submit an electronic request and let’s talk.
- Facebook Fundraiser? Social media is a powerful platform which can be used promoting a cause. Please choose Hunting For THE Cure for your birthday fundraiser, share with family and friends helping “Share a Smile” and Network for Good will handle the rest.
- How do I host an event? We have events scheduled throughout the year at various times as fundraisers but are always looking for hosts and ideas. The truth of the matter is the more we can raise, the more families we are able to bless. If you are interested in hosting an event submit an electronic request and an event coordinator will contact you.
- Am I alone hosting an event? Absolutely not, we will work alongside you planning, coordinating, projecting, promoting, and re-evaluating. We love doing events and sharing with others our mission and we would love to work with you. So, what are you waiting on, get involved and email us today and let’s Share Smiles blessing others.
- Am I responsible for the cost of the event? No, when we work alongside you planning and coordinating an event a part of the planning is the cost.
- Can I donate online? Yes, just click the link titled “Donate” and enter your information and submit.
- Is my donation online secure? Absolutely, your online financial transaction with Hunting For THE Cure is safe. We utilize the most current security standards when handling financial transactions.
- Are my personal donations tax deductible? We are an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are deductible to fullest extent of the law.
- How can I volunteer? It would not be possible to do what we do if it were not for our volunteers. Submit an electronic application completing all the information requesting to be a volunteer.
- Do volunteers have to go through background checks? All Hunting For THE Cure volunteers are required to have a background check to participate.
- What type of volunteers are needed? We are a 100% volunteer organization. Volunteers are needed in everything that we do from planning, coordinating and scheduling events to guides and film crew on hunting and fishing adventures.
- Is there a certain required commitment when volunteering? No, but we do expect dependability, it’s not about you, it’s about the child, but it will affect you in a good way.
- How long am I volunteering when I volunteer? This really depends on the event. If its a fundraiser, then it may just be the day of the event unless you are helping coordinate. If it’s a group adventure, then it may be 3 days but if its a private adventure then it will be 5 to 7 days.
- Could the organization benefit using my land? Whether you are a land owner or lease property, we are always seeking additional opportunities to Share a Smile with a child fighting cancer.
- How do I register my property? Submit an electronic application and a coordinator will reach out to you.
- Do I qualify for a tax deduction if I let you use my property? We are an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit and donations can be deducted to the fullest extent of the law.
- If I offer my property, will I know when you will be utilizing it? Absolutely, we coordinate adventures and this includes communicating with all landowners and lease managers.